Acknowledgements |
Through the course of the solar project I received education and assistance from many sources. I wish to express my thanks to those who were so helpful. Their contributions helped make my PV project far more successful than I could have done alone.Pete
Nash, my friend, neighbor, solar equipment dealer, and fellow radio ham who obtained the photovoltaic panels and inverters for me at very attractive prices. Nash, a retired JPL engineer, has been involved with solar energy since the early seventies.
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Ken, my neighbor to the west of our
new house. Ken owns a vast collection of tools from band saws to
welding rigs, and every hand tool ever made. I wore a path to his
house from all the trips to borrow them. Ken also performed the job
of idea-bouncer. Together we found solutions for all the special
problems encountered along the way.
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Les, my friend of many years, former
co-worker, and organic gardening buddy. Les came to my aid in
deriving the equations for optimizing the photovoltaic array tilt angle, and also coded the
Matlab program that produced the plots
shown in the Tilt Angle page. Les has helped me with things
computational on many occasions during our thirty-some year acquaintance
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Noel Danjou, freelance software
engineer extraordinaire in Normandy, France. Noel is the author of DynSite,
the IP detection client that keeps the live data server accessible despite
changes in its dynamic IP.
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Participants in the newsgroup, whose postings and sometimes strong
opinions on this topic provided many learning opportunities.
Christopher Gronbeck, whose Sun
Position Javascript web page made easy work of planning the layout
for the photovoltaic array. Christopher is the founder of Sustainable By Design,
a small Seattle-based business providing scientific, design, multimedia, and communications services to the environmental
community, with a focus on the solar energy, architecture, and green buildings fields.
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Harry Watts, founder and CEO of
the Canadian U-Bolt Connection.
Harry manufactured a batch of 316 stainless steel six-inch U-bolts
especially for my application. I used them to fasten the horizontal
brace anchor rails to the vertical posts.
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And to Coyotee Labs of Romania, who provided the Javascript that adds animated glow to the "powered by thermonuclear fusion" title on the home page. If you are looking for unique and clever Javascripts, pay them a visit. |