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Rough Work

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Traditional houses in this area are framed with wood.  I've often wondered why, so I spent a few days looking around construction sites and asking questions.  Not one of the framers I spoke with had ever framed with steel, and most had words of ridicule for those who would use "tin can studs".

My conclusion was that the local pool of framing labor was experienced (more or less) with wood.  There was plenty of wood work to be found, so the framers had no incentive to learn steel framing.

Framers are always in a hurry, and this is a fundamental truth in construction.  Its a good thing too, at least during the framing stage.  The lumber quality is pretty poor, and if the framing isn't quickly completed and closed in by wall coverings it will twist, warp and deform.

Most realtors in Fallbrook will tell you that there isn't a five-year old or older house in the area that doesn't have termites.  Venerable wood has its limitations, and I wanted a departure from them.

So I chose steel.  I expected to move slowly, wanted a very low maintenance structure, and, since I would be working alone, preferred the much lighter weigh of steel components.

Steel also has  limitations, one of which is thermal conductivity.  But it didn't take long to find ways to deal with this.

There are five button links above to the rough work pages.  I hope you find them interesting.